On Sunday, our pastor spoke on The Good Samaritan, from Luke 10. If you’ve spent any time in the church, chances are you’ve heard the story Jesus told about a man who was attacked while walking along the road and was left for dead. Several people noticed the man’s predicament but only one stopped to assist him – a Samaritan.
I can just imagine the horror the Jews felt when Jesus mentioned a Samaritan in a good light- a people group who were appalling to the Jews. The Samaritans came about because of Jews intermarrying with people from Syria (Gentiles).
Despite the friction between the two groups, the Samaritan is the hero of the story because he goes out of his way to assist the man who was beat up and left for dead. He does whatever he can to help the man. If you’ve never read the story, it’s in the Bible in Luke 10:25-37. The Samaritan helped someone outside his people group.
With COVID concerns, we maybe aren’t as free to help people who
might be a little different than us. But that doesn’t mean you
can’t do something. If you aren’t comfortable meeting with someone
face to face, you could surprise a complete stranger by placing a
basket of food on their doorstep with a note that you’re praying
for them. Or perhaps you could place some flowers from your yard at
their door. If you have an elderly neighbor, ask if they need you
to pick up some groceries for them. Just because we have some
limitations on us, doesn’t mean we can’t still reach out and touch
If you can’t afford anything financially, you can pray for someone. Send a text, note, or email to encourage someone going through a difficult time.
What can you do to encourage the Samaritan Revolution? How can you go outside your comfort zone to help someone and let them know God loves them?