Welcome M. Jean Pike

It’s a pleasure to interview another fellow author this Friday. Let’s welcome M. Jean Pike.

Tell us about your recent release. How is faith interwoven in your book?

 King of HeartsThank you for having me, Jodie. I’d love to tell you about my book.


Did you ever go through a season in life when everything seemed to be going wrong? Harper Blessings, the heroine in King of Hearts, is going through a season like that. She has money problems and family problems, she’s trying to get her small catering business off the ground, and on top of that, she’s dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. She feels like a human house of cards and one more upset will send her world toppling. The last thing she needs is a handsome drifter complicating things further.

Dalton Kingston has spent the last year trying to run away from a horrific tragedy and the guilt that haunts him. The last thing he wants in his life is drama. But he’s drawn to Harper in a way he hadn’t counted on. Out of the ashes of their broken lives, can they find beauty? Out of unspeakable tragedy, can love be born?

I like to bring a faith element into my stories by using everyday people in everyday scenarios. My characters are not perfect by any means. They screw up, they face tough situations and sometimes their faith wavers. I don’t paint a picture of the Christian life being a magic formula that will exempt Christ followers from hard times, because it’s not. I try to realistically portray the ugly side of humanity along with the beauty, and offer the hope that God walks with us through the hard times. He loves us unutterably, understands us fully and has a plan for each of our lives. And no matter what you may be facing, He’s never more than a prayer away.

I like that. What things do you like to do outside of writing?

I’m a bookaholic and a jigsaw puzzle junkie!

Chuckle. I’m into books too. 🙂 Do you have a favorite setting for your books?

I have a fascination with small towns and the people who live in them. The way they think and act, the things they worry about and what is important to them. I created the fictional town of Redford’s Crossing, Ohio as a backdrop for The Little Things. In King of Hearts, readers return to Reford’s Crossing, where they will run into some old friends and meet some new ones I hope they will love just as much.

I often write about small town settings too. What is your favorite hymn/praise song?

I can’t seem to sing Great is Thy Faithfulness without being moved to tears. Our God is such a good and loving God. This old hymn always reinforces that for me. I can’t count the number of times when I have been in need and God has provided a financial blessing, a word of encouragement, a shoulder to cry on or even just the strength to make it through another day.

Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. Thank you. Lord, that even when we are faithless, you remain faithful.

Amen. Tell us about your writing space.

My writing space is everywhere, lol. Since my ideas sometimes start flowing at the most inconvenient times, I always carry a pen. Sometimes my writing space is at work, where I scribble down ideas on a piece of receipt paper. Sometimes it is a restaurant or a coffee shop where I make notes on a napkin. I’ve even been known to jot ideas down on a church bulletin (though I try not to let my characters distract me when I am in church!) But no matter where I write my random story ideas or snippets of dialogue, I bring them home and put them all together in a cozy corner that I have filled with all of my favorite things. An antique desk that has been in my family for generations. Framed photos of my grandchildren. Vases of fresh cut flowers. Candles, and of course, plenty of coffee.

I’ve been known to write on all the places you mentioned too. 🙂 What is the back cover blurb for your new book?

After keeping a secret promise to a friend, Harper Blessings’ s life is spiraling out of control. Her food truck barely pays the bills, she’ s raising her rebellious brother and caring for her forgetful aunt…and she’ s four months pregnant.

When Aunt Clara wanders off at a carnival and hires the carousel operator who rescues her to do odd jobs, Harper’ s house-of-cards life begins to topple. The last thing she needs is a handsome drifter complicating her already problematic life. Or so she thinks.

Drifter Dalton Kingston has a few secrets of his own. Growing up as a child of privilege, he wanted for nothing…except love. Then an unspeakable tragedy causes him to walk away from it all, pushing love as far away as possible. Until love pushes back in the form of a beautiful woman who desperately needs his help, and the God he’ s not sure he can forgive.

Sounds good. Where can readers find you online?



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My Review

King of Hearts is my first exposure to author M. Jean Pike, and I’m hooked. Ms. Pike creates a story of mistakes, redemption, forgiveness, and God’s unconditional love. You’ll be rooting for the hero and heroine to find their happily-ever-after love story.

I also enjoyed sweet Aunt Clara and the patience and kindness the hero showed to her throughout the story. This is a tale you definitely want to read.

~While this book was provided for free, I was under no obligation to provide a favorable review. (2024)

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